We made it! We're here! 2 months since my last post. A few words of advice -- cancel your Sprint account before you leave. Also -- if you marry someone from India, get a PIO card (Person of Indian Origin). And if you have any children with aforementioned Indian citizen, get them an OCI card (Overseas Citizenship of India, I think). That will save you lots of trouble.
When you get to India, specifically Bangalore, do have a guide or someone who can take you around, unless you a) speak whatever language they speak wherever you're at, or b) have a close relative who has lots of time and is willing to take you under their wing. If you are travelling there with a very young child, well, I hope your relatives take good care of you, have lots of time to play with the kid, lots of toys, a playground nearby, etc. Did I mention toys and a playground? Have you tried to entertain a single 2-yr old child in a toyless flat lately, and no play area outside? I don't recommend it... If your very young child has allergies or special needs, I hope your relatives love the child enough to find ways of making things work for them. If you are planning on moving to a developing country with a very young child and don't know anyone there and are not naturally adventurous and garrulous and enterprising, uhhhh, well, how do I say it... don't?
We're extremely lucky to have my mother-in-law living here, since the temporary apartment set up by my husband's work is not really tenable for a 2-yr old. Especially since his boss realized that the office doesn't work well and they'll have to use the temporary apartment for an office for awhile. So yes, thank goodness my mother-in-law owns a flat. Though it's small, it has 3 rooms, and we've taken over two of them. What would we do if she weren't here? It would be fine if it were just us, but with a 2-yr old (and an active one at that, with allergies), it's tough. I should really play tourist sometime soon and take bunches of pictures and post them! Though we're in a giant city, we have cows, goats, and bulls pulling carts. Few cats, lots of dogs.
I'll try to write something more detailed sometime. Right now, TM's taking a nap, so I thought I'd jot down some thoughts. Basically, we're looking for a flat to rent, and once we're set up I'll be able to perhaps compile a summary of the emails I've been sending to family about the transitions. Setting things up here is nothing, I mean, nothing at all like setting things up in the US. Nope. But I'll learn...
Start breaking those resolutions NOW
9 years ago
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