I finally got some good comments back on my manuscript! It seems that I really haven’t a clue about writing. But with a good reviewer, hopefully I’ll learn enough not to need so much help next time. I keep hoping for that sort of thing, and so far it hasn’t panned out. Every time I start working through a new MS, it stinks. Writing is tough! Criminy! I should’ve taken more writing classes. For some reason I keep thinking writing should be simple, but for some reason it doesn’t seem to be.
While waiting for comments to come back, I started in on data analysis for my next paper. I think I have a good plan of attack, since the data are similar to my last paper. Go through the raw data quickly, then graph it out and look up all the outliers to make sure they’re real. So far, most of the outliers have turned out to be false. That doesn’t really engender confidence in the data, but I figure that outliers often skew the data more than simply another data point that’s like all the other data points, so it’s better to focus on them. If TM keeps healthy and can keep going to school regularly, maybe I can get the data screened in a month or so. That would be wonderful! Then plan about 6mo for writing the paper…
Bangalore weather is wonderful. I think the rains have stopped, again, so we have sunshine and pool time! Hooray! TM loves swimming. Being with her reminds me of how much fun swimming is. Actually, being with her reminds me of how much fun lots of things are. I think I was getting to be a regular stick-in-the-mud ‘till she came along. She loves fingerpainting, playing with blocks, imagining things… it takes me back to when life was interesting and you could have fun anywhere if you wanted to. Kids are sure great that way. Especially if you have about 3-4hrs/day when they’re at school, so they get a break from you and you can get some of your work done.
Q has been more relaxed lately, which is lovely. I think he’ll get a bonus this year from work, and we’ll shunt it right into our student loans. I would love to get those things paid off. I hate loans. He’s going to the gym now, and it seems to really help him deal with life better. In a stressful job like his, he absolutely needs the exercise.
Hey, did you know (you probably didn’t) that we had trick-or-treaters? Here in Bangalore? It was wonderful! All the kids in our complex, and many more it seems, turned out for trick-or-treating! Maya and I went around to our friends’ houses, which was lovely. I’d put together a quick-n-dirty cat outfit, with ears and a tail. She liked it… thank goodness she’s 2 and isn’t too picky yet. I’ve already ordered her outfit for next year from Grandma. I think she’ll like being a princess, and Grandma loves sewing things like that (at least, she did when I was that age). They really don’t sell Halloween costumes here… but the kids sure had some great costumes anyway! Probably ‘cause so many of them have lived in the States before, and have fond memories of trick-or-treating.
What else is going on… I’m giving piano lessons to the kids upstairs, ‘cause I think it’s really important for them to learn music, and it’s fun, and they enjoy it, and they’re so nearby, and they have people to help with Maya during the lessons. We’re learning some beginning guitar chords also. I’m only charging 500NRP/hr, which is peanuts in the US, but definitely par for the course here.
Speaking of US prices and the rupee, golly, the rupee has fallen to 50nrp/$. Quite painful. It’s good for any of you who want to visit India, though! Stop by! We even have the guest room somewhat cleaned up. ☺
Start breaking those resolutions NOW
9 years ago
1 comment:
Trick or Treating in India? That's great! It's funny (or sad) that I'm so immersed in my own culture. I had to think for a moment before I realized what a leap that would be for people.
Hopefully you celebrated Dewali in return! =) I've always wanted to see that.
I've got my fingers crossed for your manuscript!
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